Церемония официального начала сборки реактора ИТЭР.
25 июля 2020
Во вторник 28 июля будет транслироваться церемония официального начала сборки реактора ИТЭР. Подробности в объявлении от организации ИТЭР: Dear Colleagues, You have all been invited to the Start of Assembly Celebration taking place next Tuesday, 28 July, to be hosted virtually by President Macron and with participation by other Heads of State and ministers from the ITER Members. The event will be broadcast from the worksite (10 am tour), then from the ITER Assembly Hall (11 am ceremony, 12:30 press conference). Under current circumstances, the physical presence will of course be limited; but we invite you all to join us through the broadcast on YouTube Live: https://youtu.be/2-7GyVLKE6A. - Please note that you are welcome to share this YouTube link with your family, friends, and professional associates who may have an interest in viewing. - You can also help us by spreading the word via social media. Please feel free to re-tweet and re-post, on your personal social media accounts (or, for contractors, on your company accounts as well if desired) using the hashtags and handles for ITER’s social media, provided below.
In order to increase visibility and gain in consistency, please identify us using the proper handles: For Twitter: @iterorg For Facebook: @ITEROrganization For LinkedIn: @ITER Organization For Instagram: @iterorganization Links to ITER accounts are here: https://www.facebook.com/ITEROrganization https://www.linkedin.com/company/iter-organization https://www.instagram.com/iterorganization/?hl=en Hashtags to accompany your posts: #ITER #WeAreITER #ITERAssemblyStarts #FusionEnergy #Tokamak #NuclearFusion #Energy #Science #Engineering #Physics #Research #CleanEnergy #ClimateChange Please use the bold ones as much as possible.