The conference is organized by:
National REsearch Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
Chair of Program and Organization committees:
Kurnaev V., professor,
head of Plasma physics department, MEPhI,
(499)788-56-99 add. 9657,
(499) 324-70-24
Secretary of the conference:
Gasparyan Yu.M.,
associate professor of Plasma physics department,,
(499)788-56-99 add. 9983
Program committee:
- V.A. Kurnaev (MEPhI)
- S.I. Krasheninnikov (USCD, USA & MEPhI)
- L.B. Begrambekov (MEPhI)
- A.A. Pisarev (MEPhI)
- S.V. Mirnov (TRINITI, Russia)
- Yu.V. Martynenko (Kurchatov Institute, Russia)
- T. Tanabe (Kyushi University, Japan)