to registration of theses of papers for the conference "Modern methods of plasma diagnostics and their application"
Abstracts are to be presented in the Russian language allowed in English.
Volume: up to 4 (four) pages (text and pictures) sent file *.doc or *.docx should not exceed 4 MB. For archiving it is recommended to use WinRAR/WinZIP. All images with a resolution of 300 dpi.
1. Throughout the document consistently the following:
The text editor MicrosoftWORD. The recommended font is Times New Roman, margins top, bottom - 2.54 cm; left, right – 3,17 cm Format: A4 (21х29,7 cm).
2. Title:
Bold capital letters, font size – 14pt, line spacing single, centered. Next, skip two lines, single spaced – 12pt.
3. Authors:
Font size 12pt., single line spacing, aligned to the center. If co-authors are from different organizations, it is placed after the last name the Superscript (number), which is then placed before the name of that organization (also in Superscript).
Next, skip two lines, single spaced – 12pt.
4. Names of organizations:
Font - italic, font size - 12pt, single line spacing, aligned left (with indices if authors are from different organizations).
Next, skip two lines, single spaced - 12pt.
5. Abstract text:
Font size - 12pt, spacing - single, justified, paragraph indent - 1,25 cm.
Pictures: 300 dpi. Pets are allowed in the table. The caption font is 11 PT, single – spaced, centered.
6. References (if any) should include: the Surname and name of authors; title; year of publication; volume; number; pages.