The XI Conference on “Modern Techniques of Plasma Diagnosis and their Application” will be held on 13 – 15 November, 2018 at National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (NRNU MEPhI).
The goal of the conference is an exchange of information on both high-temperature and low-temperature plasma diagnostics as well as deliberation and analysis of various diagnostic techniques and their applicability in science, industry, ecology, medicine and other fields. The Conference also provides young scientists from scientific centers and universities engage in plasma diagnostics with an opportunity to attend the lectures given by the leading specialists in this field as well as present their own results and findings.
More than 150 specialists on plasma diagnostics and students (in average) took part in the previous conferences. They represented leading Russian scientific centres (such as Troitsk Institute of Innovative and Thermonuclear Research, National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", Institutions of Russian Academy of Science (Lebedev, General Physics, High Temperature and others) and universities, as well as from Belarus, Kazakhstan Republic, Germany, Belgium and other countries.
Along with conference proceedings selected papers of the XI conference will published in “Physics of Atomic Nuclei” indexed in Web of Science.
The conference venue
- the Assembly hall in the main building of national research nuclear University MEPhI.
Virtual tour of NRNU MEPhI.