Scope of the conference
The ECLIM Conferences organized since 1966 represent in a comprehensive way the interaction of lasers with matter at high power densities, including inertial fusion and associate technologies, ultra intense laser interactions, and laser-driven secondary sources of particles and short wavelength radiation. The ECLIM conferences allow researchers, students and engineers gathering, on a rather informal basis, for fruitful discussions, and presentation of new results within the conference topics.
Conference topics
Topic 1 - Laser interaction with matter (from nanosecond to femtosecond)
Topic 2 - Inertial confinement fusion for energy
Topic 3 - Laser-driven matter acceleration and compression
Topic 4 - Physics of thermonuclear targets and promising methods of ignition
Topic 5 - High-power and/or high-energy laser facilities and related technologies
Topic 6 - Targets and their application (4th Moscow Workshop on Targets and Applications – MWTA 2016)
Topic 7 - Particle and radiation secondary sources, including x-ray lasers and novel ultra-short EUV sources
Topic 8 - Laboratory modeling of astrophysics and cosmic phenomena
Topic 9 - Laser technologies