On the Symposium.
V International Symposium on Coherent Optical Radiation of Semiconductor Compounds and Structures is a scientific forum in which take part all leading scientific institutions operating in the modern areas of basic research in coherent optical radiation of semiconductor compounds and structures.
To the branches covered by Symposium belong semiconductor heterostructure lasers, study of powerful coherent radiation of injection lasers, semiconductor lasers with optical and electron pumping, unipolar semiconductor lasers, promising directions of creation of optical coherent sources, physics of destruction and degradation of semiconductor structures, etc.
I Symposium was held in Zvenigorod in 2007. It was decided to hold the Symposium biennially II - IV Symposia were held in Moscow and Zvenigorod in November 2009, 2011 and 2013.
In II-IV Symposia along with Russian colleagues participated collaborators from world-leading research centers and universities of Finland, Great Britain, Belarus and Ukraine.
The participation of Russian and foreign scientists in Symposium allows one to present and discuss their results as well as to pose new scientific objectives in studies of basics of coherent optical radiation of semiconductor compounds and structures. The papers of students and young scientists are broadly presented at Symposium.
In 2015 the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI has been joined to the Symposium organizers
The scientific program
The official languages are English and Russian.