General Information
About the Conference
The aim of the conference is the identification of innovative ideas and encouraging the development of novel R&D as well as promoting professional growth of young researchers starting their activity in the conference topics.
The Conference AtomTech 2015.Electrophysics (ATEP-2015) will be held from 17th till 19th November 2015 in Moscow. It is the 3rd conference in the series of annual meetings promoting the exchange of scientific information on the technology, development and application of electro physics for nuclear industry, medicine, agriculture and biological sphere, environment protection. The first conference was organized in 2013 by State Corporation “Rosatom”.
Conference Venue
National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Kashirskoye Shosse, 31.
- Matter and biological objects in strong electromagnetic fields
- Plasma and beam technologies
- HTS industrial and scientific equipment
- Accelerators and electromagnetic devices for nuclear technology, medicine, agriculture and biological use
- Thermionic and thermoelectric converters
- Electrophysical equipment for industrial and scientific applications
- The use of industrial lasers